
An unorganised catalog of things.
More of just an ‘open diary’ as you will of design-related things I feel like sharing.

360 Photo at the Summit of the Kauaeranga Kauri Trail!

A couple of weekends ago, I went on a trip with my friends to do one of New Zealand's well-known trails the 'Kauaerange Kauri Trail', or better known as 'The Pinnacles Walk'. After trekking for what felt like days (probably about 3-4 hours) we had finally reached the summit of the Pinnacles. I'm not much of a walker and find myself very much in the 'below average' in terms of people my age being fit and healthy, I was determined enough to lug my gear to the summit to take this amazing shot at the top of the summit.

It was an amazing sight from the top and well worth the time and effort to reach the summit!

Ryan Wong